Electrical Government Liaisoning
Data collection :
Step 1 :
Collect data on your annual electricity bills. You can find the number of power units (In India, one unit = 1KWh of electricity) consumed in your home from the monthly electricity bills issues by State Electricity Board/ Distribution/Collection companies. Take monthlynconsumed units and then multiply them by 12 (No of months in a year).
Add the number of liters of petrol/diesel you used in your car/motorcycle in a year. If you do not remember the exact value right now, please add average values.
Generally one LPG cylinder has around 14 kg of liquefied petroleum gas. Multiply the number of cylinders used in a year by 14 and add
the resulted value in the calculation
Step 2 :
Input value (in KWh/Yr) X 0.85 (Emission Factor) = Output value in (Kg of CO2)
Input Value(In Litres/Yr) X 2.296(Emission Factor) = Output value in (Kg of CO2)
Input Value(In Litres/Yr) X 2.653 (Emission Factor) = Output value in (Kg of CO2)
Input Value(In Kg/Yr) X 2.983 (Emission Factor) = Output value in (Kg of CO2)
Your Carbon Footprint : Add (1+2+3+4) = Output value in (Kg of CO2)
Divide final value (no 5) with 1000 so that you get a total carbon footprint in a ton of CO2.
The final Carbon footprint should be in tons of CO2 (tCO2.).Motor gasoline/ Petrol
Know more about the source of emission factors;
0.85 kg CO2 per KWh, Source: CO2 emission factor database, version 06, CEA (Government of India), http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/planning/cdm_co2/cdm_co2.htm
Motor gasoline/ Petrol
2.296 kg CO2 per liter, Source: Emission factors are taken from the file “Emission factors from across the sector -tool”, extracted from http://www.ghgprotocol.org/calculation-tools/alltools
2.653 kg CO2 per liter, Source: Emission factors are taken from the file “Emission factors from across the sector -tool”, extracted from http://www.ghgprotocol.org/calculation tools/alltools
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
2.983 kg CO2 per kilogram, Source: Emission factors are taken from the file “Emission factors from across the sector -tool” extracted from http://www.ghgprotocol.org/calculation-tools/alltools
If you have any issues with this calculation, please write to us at [email protected]